
(* denotes equal contribution)


  1. E2ECamera.jpg
    End-to-end Optimization of Metalens for Broadband and Wide-angle Imaging
    Youngmyeong Park*, Youngjin Kim*, Changhyun Kim, Gun-Yeal Lee, Hyeongyu Choi, and 3 more authors
    Advanced Optical Materials, 2025


  1. FoldedCamera.jpg
    Metasurface Folded Lens System for Ultrathin Cameras
    Youngjin Kim*, Taewon Choi*, Gun-Yeal Lee, Changhyun Kim, Junseo Bang, and 3 more authors
    Science Advances, 2024
  2. ColorRouter.jpg
    Freeform metasurface color router for deep submicron pixel image sensors
    Changhyun Kim, Jongwoo Hong, Junhyeok Jang, Gun-Yeal Lee, Youngjin Kim, and 2 more authors
    Science Advances, 2024
  3. BilayerNanoResonator.jpg
    Strong Coupling Induced Bound States in the Continuum in a Hybrid Metal–Dielectric Bilayer Nanograting Resonator
    Hyunwoo Son, Taewon Choi, Kyuho Kim, Youngjin Kim, Junseo Bang, and 3 more authors
    ACS Photonics, 2024
  4. AchroGrating.jpg
    Multiwavelength Achromatic Deflector in the Visible Using a Single-Layer Freeform Metasurface
    Taewon Choi, Chulsoo Choi, Junseo Bang, Youngjin Kim, Hyunwoo Son, and 4 more authors
    Nano Letters, 2024
  5. RotatingDiffuser.jpg
    Speckle reduced holographic display system with a jointly optimized rotating phase mask
    Eunbi Lee, Youngjin Jo, Seung-woo Nam, Minseok Chae, Chun Chen, and 3 more authors
    Optics Letters, 2024


  1. DepolHolography.jpg
    Depolarized Holography with Polarization-multiplexing Metasurface
    Seung-Woo Nam*, Youngjin Kim*, Dongyeon Kim, and Yoonchan Jeong
    ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH ASIA), 2023
  2. IEEE.jpg
    Dispersion-engineered Metasurface Doublet Design for Broadband and Wide-angle Operation in the Visible Range
    Junhyeok Jang, Gun-Yeal Lee, Youngjin Kim, Changhyun Kim, Yoonchan Jeong, and 1 more author
    IEEE Photonics Journal, 2023


  1. Spiral.jpg
    Spiral Metalens for Phase Contrast Imaging
    Youngjin Kim, Gun-Yeal Lee, Jangwoon Sung, Junhyeok Jang, and Byoungho Lee
    Advanced Functional Materials, 2022


  1. Empty.jpg
    Dielectric Metalens: Properties and Three-dimensional Imaging Applications
    Sun-Je Kim, Changhyun Kim, Youngjin Kim, Jinsoo Jeong, Seokho Choi, and 3 more authors
    Sensors, 2021